Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 We hoped for a couple layimg hens to give us eggs through the wimter. Well we got 3 crazy hens and made a new friend. Our neighbor over run with bantam roosters offered us any that fit our fancy. Meet Charlie the newest member of our farm, Charlie is a blue cochin bantam sized pet. I say pet in the mildest of terms as he is very friendly but I'd eat him if it came down to it.
 Look at those cute feathered  feet and blunt tail.

So if he and the girls were not enough we ordered 25 brown layer mix of breeds chicks from McMurray hatchery. People thout we were crazy, but I have a spare bathroom and lots of cardboard boxes from the move - they can live in the tub. 

Meet the chicks:
Some how our order of 25 grew to 30. A free exotic chick was offered which we expected, but the other 4 were a nice surprise. 

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