Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Chicks

Really I shouldn't be allowed to go to the feed store during the 'Chick Days' event by my self. But we needed feed for the meat chicks and the laying hens. So meet the Easter Chicks:

They are bantam chicks, mini chicks, assorted breeds and mixed gender. I only got six, with my luck they will all be roosters. Oh well they are so adorable I have a hard time leaving them in their box. Yep I have chicks in the bathroom again, they are very small and not compatible with the meat chicks. Here is a size reference, a large egg, egg carton, and Richard holding one of the chicks. Enjoy the dose of cute.



Sarah Putt said...

Gah! Overpowered by the cute! Congrats on your new babies:)

Megan Baxter said...

Oh my goodness- those are darling! I wish we lived close enough to visit and show Keira. She hasn't seen any chicks since last year at this time. Mom and Dad will have some in a few weeks, but they are meat chickens and won't stay cute for more than a few days. :)