Thursday, December 15, 2011

John Deere Green

Ahh the sweet site of green and gold. Dad bough a new (to us) tractor. I believe it is a 1984 - model 2550. It has a bucket and forks.
Living next door to Dad has its advantages. I can't wait to learn how to drive it around the yard. So many projects I want to do with it. Or shoveling snow, if we get any snow, there will be snow to push around with the bucket. I can't wait. Sure it will be cold, no cab on the tractor, but it is a tractor. Dad has a small cultivator and next spring it will be my best friend or I'll be it's worst enemy.

Here's my plan for using the tractor:

  • My Huge Garden to the west of the house
  • Cultivate the tree row. Trees don't grow well out here, we planted these 10 years ago and they are about 3 or 4 feet high. So extra TLC won't hurt.
  • Did I mention Mom's garden needs tilling
  • till and plant oats in a bald spot in the hay field
  • cut hay
  • bale small square hay bales
  • cut and bale oats

Not to mention all the plans Dad has in store. It looks to be a busy coming year :)

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