Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Big Garden

Tiny House, Big Garden

Earth Day 2017. We spent as much time outside as I could handle with the kids. Weeks ago when we were still getting hard frost, we staked out the side yard for the garden. Now we are busy removing the grass sod to make our garden. I'm finding clever places to put the sod. Filling in low spots in the yard. Can't hurt, R says the worst will be the lawn mower will kick up dirt if the sod doesn't grow. With way the low spot will be a little more filled.  I try to get outside to remove the sod a little everyday. It is a big task. After all the sod is gone we have a tiny tiller that R thinks he can get running. The soil seems to drain well and is on the sandy side. Compost would be helpful and I will get some from the city when I figure out how to haul it.

It is interesting to watch my flower beds around the house. The renter clearly dug up most of the perennials. However she missed some. The tulips are easy to identify but until the rest get bigger I can only guess. I recall seeing day lilies but that's about it. As I didn't pay much attention. The tulips got disturbed and don't seem to be bluming this year. In fact all the perennials that are coming up are much slower then my neighbors. Maybe mine know that there will be one last snow storm or something. 

I planted some peas in a corner of the garden. I used dead branches from our lilacs bushes for the peas to climb on once they start growing. It is also a good marker for where I've planted. 

I have a rose bush on the corner of our small side yard. Having read a good article about pruning roses (link below), I confidently got to work. 

I maybe should trim down the big tall one but it had buds all along the stem. We'll just have to wait and see. I wonder what color the flowers it will have? There were rose hips from last year on the ground. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tiny kitchen​ and forgotten bulbs

I promised a kitchen picture. Here you go. Rarely is it this clean, I try but end up baking and get flour everywhere. Or life happens. Dishes - I'm making a resolution to wash and put away every day regardless of how many or few. We have had a dishwasher in the past, but honestly I'm just lazy.

  I noticed something new in my front flower beds, bulbs are sprouted. Tulips I'm guessing. Renter must have forgotten them. It will be fun to see what they turn out to be.